sedikit cerita yang menggugah peradaban manusia

Friday, June 4, 2010

leaving pasir ridge

ive been in bandung for.. two days? but my mind keeps dwelling in pasir ridge :(

heres the story..
harusnya aku berangkat tanggal 21 mei. tapi karena harus bikin surat berperilaku baik dan surat bebas narkoba di kantor polisi, akhirnya diundur jadi tanggal 7 juni. lalu.. karena aku ada beberapa urusan di bandung, (lagi lagi) jadinya dipercepat jadi tanggal 2 juni. banyak perubahan nampaknya.

aku sudah tau, meninggalkan rumah ku di pasir ridge sebenernya bakal kualami, cepat atau lambat. itu bukan rumahku, rumah kantor. i knew it since the beginning lah. aku jadi mikir, ah ga pa pa lah i dont have to burst a tear nanti ketika aku ninggalin pasir ridge. aku sudah banyak kenangan indah di sini, jadi kenangan itu lah yang akan ku bawa begitu ninggalin pasir ridge dengan bahagia, not with tears.

the last day in B3, rumah ku di pasir ridge
rumahku sudah kosong, tinggal perabotan kantor aja. aku keliling keliling rumahku. ke ruang tamu, kamar ortu, kamar kakak ku, kamar ku, kamar komputer, kamar mandi, ruang makan, dapur, syalalaala.. mulai sedih. aku ga bakal lagi bisa leha leha di sini lagi. satu hal yang kupikirkan kalo lagi liburan ato pergi ke luar kota adalah.. PULANG KE RUMAH. rumah b3 pasir ridge. yang ada di otak ku adalah cepet pulang, cepet mandi di rumah (mandi di rumah is HEAVEN!), trus tidur di ruang tamu. ga pernah kerasan pergi dari rumah deh. mo seenak apapun rumah orang, klo bukan di rumah ku, aku ga pernah nyaman mandi ama tidur.

i had been living here like.. forever. i wonder how could i live if its not in my heavenly pasir ridge?

barang sudah habis di pergi kan smua dari rumah. its time to go now. aku rasanya sudah mo nangis, but i was like, cmon its 'just' leaving this house, im not gonna die anyway.

aku papa mama di penghujung pintu rumah B3. kita bertiga menatap rumah B3 untuk terakhir kali dari pintu. trus mereka beri salam terakhir untuk rumah kita, "assalamu alaikum, terimakasih ya." as if we never come back here again(YES! im bursting in tears now. really.)

aku suda mukul mukul dada. tahannn tahaaannn. im not going to be cry baby just bcos im moving from this house.. but i really dont wanna go! i want pasir ridge. i want this house.

masuk mobil pergi ninggalin rumah B3. aku menatap rumah itu dari mobil. GOSH.. im crying now. tapi blum deres. di puteran depan rumahku, kita ketemu ama tetanggaku. and my dad was saying goodbye to him. had a farewell chat for a while. selama ortu ku ngobrol, i was crying silently in car. seeing my house.

abis itu.. (this is what makes me really cry out loud that time..)
ada 2 bule jogging di puteran rumahku. satu bule menyapa sambil berlalu. dan satu bule lagi menyapa dan berenti tepat di mobil kami. mukanya menampakkan raut yang sangat kaget. hes mr pete cooper. one of the juries represented chevron KLO (balikpapan) in chevron scholastic award. dia juri yang menilai aku di chevron scholastic award. beliau udah bikin aku sukses di sana. yang sering ngobrol sama aku selama di sana. yang paling kenal sama aku. yang paling bangga ada representative dari balikpapan bwat scholastic award. yang ketawa ngakak sampe muka merah waktu interview aku. i never forget those moments with him.

mr pete cooper : hey suta! (sambil senyum senyum kaget)

papa : ow hi!!!!

mama : dek! dek! pete cooper!

mr pete cooper : (liat aku) oh! its you! hi! how are you??

aku : great! (oh i lied)

he was really surprised seeing me. bcos after the chevron scholastic awars things, i hadnt seen him like forever. and now hes the last person in pasir ridge saying goodbye to me.

mr pete ccoper : i heard that u had early retirement, are you going to office tomorrow?

jleb. aku langsung nangis denger kata katanya.

papa : no, its my last day being here..

andddddd here i am crying in front of mr pete cooper.

mr pete cooper : OOH REALLY? what are you going to do next?

papa : hmmm im still in energy company

mr pete cooper : hey, how about you? where are you going? (nanya ke aku hiks)

aku : im going for university

mr pete cooper : where are you going for university?

aku : im going to bandung

papa : shes been accepted in institute technology of bandung. she takes mechanical engineering.

mr pete cooper : WOW! THATS GREAT!

aku pernah bilang ke pak pete, someday ill become CEO of chevron, after you mr pete.
mungkin dia merasa senang bahwa aku sudah memulai langkah awal untuk menjadi CEO of Chevron as a gonna-be mechanical engineering. wish me luck mr pete, i hope you could see me sitting on CEO's chair in Chevron Headquarter

mr pete cooper : wish you the best luck! (senyum sambil mendadahi aku, lalu pergi)

then im crying.. in front of my parents. malu eh. but i couldnt stand it anymore. seeing mr pete, i recalled my moments while i was in rumbai for chevron scholastic award. the moments that change my life. the experience i got from chevron that i will never forget.

sepanjang perjalanan keluar pasir ridge, i was crying out loud. bner bner rasanya air mata bak lautan, gak berenti berenti (over dramatized........... but its true)

wait for me chevron
and i hereby declare to the people of the world
ill be your greatest chevron CEO
ill be the gratest CEO of the world
of all time!

just wait.. (and wish me luck)

best regards,

safira lazuardi vijaya, the next CEO of Chevron
*after mr pete cooper, i hope you could be the one sir. after you, its going to be my turn :]

at that time ill live at my heavenly, B3 :]

see you again, pasir ridge :]
we'll meet again, B3

bye bye my heaven, pasir ridge!!!!!