begitu masuk SMA, tadinya aku berkomitmen untuk ga ikut lagi lomba lomba kayak waktu SMP dengan alasan kesehatan sempet drop banget. yaudah deeeeh jadi rencananya SMA ini mau jadi anak gaul aja, ga aktif ikut apa hahaha
namun entah kenapa waktu itu aku cukup tergoda dengan speech contest, jadilah aku ikut lagi ;p
dimulai dari seleksi smansa bwat ikut speech contest apa gitu aku lupa. kalau ga salah yang ikut seleksi waktu itu aku, elza, isti, vanessa.
seleksi memutuskan yang pergi mewakili smansa adalah aku dan elza. sejak itu pula aku ama elza sering ikut ikut lomba speech di balikpapan bareng. hasilnya pun memuaskan, kami bisa menguasai posisi teratas berturut turut tiap lomba.
karna sering bareng ikut lomba, kita jadi deket deh! pokoknya kami sering bolos bareng lah demi ikut speech contest
mungkin speech untuk SMA ga terlalu booming yah. yang booming adalah debating.
pada awalnya aku sama sekali ga tertarik ama yang namanya debat. bener bener benci lah. i didnt know how to rebut anything in debate. i love peace, i hate arguing each other hahahaha.
maybe i hated debating since i failed in sman 3 bandung.
tapi ada suatu hari, EC held somekind of debating exhibition. dan pas banget ama pelajaran pkn. pkn gitu loh malas euy. jadi aku berusaha bolos dari pkn dengan menggunakan alasan mau ikut debate exhibition itu hihi.
dan pada akhirnya aku kabur bersama beberapa temen temen kelas 1 hahaha
debate exhibition dilaksanakan di lab biologi (what? dont we have english lab?)
di sana saya banyak melihat senior senior debat. sangar sangar mukanya. oh god.
terus mereka memulai exhibition nya. aku lupa komposisi tim nya, tapi yang jelas positive team yang dimotori kak chris melawan negative team nya kak yosua.
motionnya adalah THW ban smoking in public places
that was the first time i watched debating things. for real. and the pro one. sumpah bengong abis ngeliat mereka bebacot bahasa inggris smua, lancar, tackling each other abruptly, iiih ngeri deh. setiap tim positive bawa case, aku mikir,"hmmm oya ya.. bener juga ah positif menang ini."
tapi begitu kak yosua dkk dari tim negatif maju, aku langsung,"errrr bener juga.. negatif menang ding." seterusnya begitu, pikiran ku bolak balik setiap tim bergantian bawa case nya. eeerrrr
dan akhirnya exhibition selesai, positive team was the winner. aaaah terserah lah, sapa pun yang menang ga ada ngaruh, sama sama hebat dan mengerikan -.-
begitu kelar, aku mau cepet cepet keluar, udah punya feeling ga enak nih. jangan jangan skrg anak kelas 1 nya yang disuruh debat. EMOH AH.
eh ternyata nasi sudah menjadi bubur. kami ditahan di lab biologi, di suruh debat juga. holy crap. dan aku termasuk yang disuruh debat -___________-
yah karna dipaksa paksa, dan pelajaran pkn belum kelar (?), yaudah deh iya in aja.
kami anak kelas 1 yang disuruh debat adalah aku, apip, ama esa.
woooohoo KPS ruleeeesss!!!!!!!
lawan kami adalah kakak kakak kelas 2 -.- (yang aku ingat cuma kak erik)
the motion was THW ban child labour
and i was like... what's that mean? hahahahhahaha
trus penentuan positive n negative melalui toss coin. sampai sekarang advice kak yosua trus melekat di otak ku..
"kalau toss coin, pilih BURUNG. karna gravitasi sisi koin dari burung lebih memungkinkan bwat dia menghadap ke atas. HIDUP BURUNG!!!!!"
agak aneh emang, gravitasi apaan coba. dan anak anak lain were like, "eeeuw josh you're pervert." ( you know what bird laah)
iya sih kak yosua orangnya rada begitu, maybe he chose burung for other reason ;p
tapi sejak itu kalo mau toss coin i always follow what kak yos told me, "well.. i choose BURUNG."
dan jeng jeng jeng.... kami tim kelas satu kebagian negative team. artinya kamu tidak setuju penghapusan child labour. eng ing eng... case building di mulai...
aku, apip, esa bingung siapa siapa ni bakal jadi 1st, 2nd, 3rd. entah kenapa mereka rebutan pengen jadi 2nd atau 3rd. ga ada yang mau jadi 1st. grogi maju pertama ujar mereka. saya bisa memaklumi itu. i failed as 1st back then.
selagi kami ribut mengenai posisi, waktu case building trus berjalan. yaaa akhirnya aku mengalah menjadi 1st lagi karna ga ada yang mau maju pertama -.- then we started to discuss the motion...
trus kak yosua yang juga 1st dan konon merupakan best speaker east kalimantan region for ISDC, taught me how to be the 1st speaker. build the case he said.
apip, esa, and I were really really lost. what were we going to do??? we still didnt get any points of the motion. but then our senior tried to help us. kak yos told me to bring the point of "Dea Imut", she is a celebrity, worked as actress, and she just fine about it. uuuuhh got it got it.
dan debat pun dimulai..
positive team maju duluan. setelah one knock, negative team are allowed to give POI.
at first, i didnt know what POI stands for. its the same like "interruption".
*anyway POI stands for Point Of Information.
waktu aku mau interupsi, i was like stupid person standing with my hands on the air and said.."P...P..P...P... PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP........... WHAT!?"
"POI safira......." the seniors tried to help me.
okay the 1st speaker of positive team had brought their case, and it was my turn to come forward.
pertama maju GROGI ABIS ancrit. gemetar. tapi lama kelamaan lumayan lancar sih.. blablablablabla... tapi yaaaah my 1st performance in smansa was like... i brought only one liner points without any further explanation. aaaaaaaaah who cares hahahaha
but when i brought kak yosua's point on dea imut, i started to feel relax and tried to elaborate more on that point. i extended the point not only focusing on dea imut but also other hottie guy celebrities (?)
i brought Daniel Radcliffe, si ganteng pemain harry potter. well i didnt know why i brought this guy into debate, it just crossed my mind at that time
as i explained this point, i acted really really bitchy... really slutty.
"we believe that the existance of daniel radcliffe represents children who want to work by themselves without any forces from their parents. and also its the form of children to express their creativity. imagine if we cannot see daniel radcliffe on tv screen because he was banned due to child labour issues. you'll regret it ladies n gents, you know how bad it is not to see the handsome charming cutie irresistible daniel radcliffe anymore. aaaaaaaaaaaaah"
all seniors were laughing at me. i dont know if i overacted as a bitch or what aaah i dont care i just wanted stop it right away
and i regretted it doing that way. why i explained more about the daniel racfliffe things instead of the philosophy points why we would like to continue the child labour............... aaah moron.
adjudicators dari debat ngaco ini adalah both our amazing seniors, kak yos dan kak chris.
kak yos mencela aku abis abisan. dia mencela poin dea imut feat. daniel radcliffe. i was like... you gave me that poiiiinttttsss!!! (but accidentally i was going further into daniel radcliffe..hahahaha)
nah waktu itu kan jamannya friendster.. mana ada facebook waktu itu..
aku langsung ngadu ngadu ke kak chris betapa aku benci debat..
(anyway i copied out conversation in friendster, SUMPAH ALAY BANGET AKU DULU RASANYA PENGEN BUNUH DIRI LIAT HOW ALAY I WAS)
and here is our conversation ;p
safira :
KAK AKU QUIT NAAA ?!?!? kak, ngirim comment ke fs nya kakak susah amaat, gagal muluuu... Kak, mang argumen ku pembuka tuu lumayan kaa??? mang aku ngomong apa sii...? huehehe aku lupa saking nervous nya...bneran dah aku gak bisa mikir apa2 lg... abis bu gurunya (sapa namanya yaaa...?) nyeremiiin bgt, dah kalah mental duluaaan... I THINK I'M GONNA QUIT I'M NOT A DEBATER!!! MY LAST PERFORMANCE WAS SOO LAME... I'M NOT A GOOD DEBATER!! (ACTUALLY, I'M A BAD DEBATER) Kak, ijinkan aku quit... kan aku meringankan beban kakak, kalo aku quit kan tmbh enak nyeleksi nya... ya kan?ya kan??? ayolah kak... aku dah banyak ketinggalan pelajaran...di kelas ku dah bikin kelompok presentasi, pr segudang, dan bla bla bla bla... There are A LOT OF PEOPLE MORE BRILLIANT THAN ME! BETTER THAN ME! Jadi, aku quit juga gak akan jd masalah (malah meringankan problem, right?) Kalo aku ngewakilin smansa, smansa bakal jd plg UNCIIIIIIIIIIIIT dari segala yg uncit!! I WANNA QUIT (I'M SERIOUS!
Yosua Chukx :
Heh, Safira licik, pake testi2an segala, dasar penjilat !! My vote goes to...... 1. Gulfani, he has to go, most experience, a kind hand every debater can use when faced with troublesome motions. Has to tame his over-confidence in posting irrelevant (and sometimes backfiring) statements though....... Sometime I have subdued within myself..... 2. Safira, nice speaking, over-dramatized, even to a point where it isn't that funny anymore.....even disgusting. No one can do jokes while debating, no one but me. 3. Toss off between Nabila/Eric/Tiara, my vote kinda goes to the middle or latter, Nabhila just doesn't seem STRONG enough. Too wimpy of girl, heck she can't even see a gecko without bursting in tears. Tiara needs to elaborate MORE...Eric needs to SPEAK UP and pour out his EMOTION a lil' bit more.... Like I do..... We better decide fast, 1 August isn's a year away, you know ?
To each their own... I just don't wanna be the one responsible if something "bad" happens to Smanza's delegates this year...... SOMETHING like..... I dunoo... LOSING, maybe ?? Anyway, I myself think Eric deserves this opportunity, after all the sh1t we've been through last year, he needs a release....very much.. Besides, 2nd graders have NOTHING to loose. 1st graders should be a little prepared for the IPA IPS split at the end of the year. Again.... You have to be in love with something to actually perform well at it....the same goes with debating...
Tir :
chris.. ngikutin safira nih. can i quit? :) debat it's not my thing, reallyy. it's fun to watch you and yos do the debat but when it comes to my turn then my stomach begin to flutter my hands get wet and most of the time i lost my points! especially when someone's POIing me. even when you said "okay tiara, tell me your points and pretend that i'm your judicator *how to spell?*" suddenly i felt very nervous. ya ampun pdhl itu cm kamu bukan juri beneraan. and because of those points, i believe that i shouldn't be a debater thankyou :D
safira :
bih, jahat btul blg in aku penjilat lwat testi!! >kak yosua kak, lupakan aja ttg performance ku "child labour" aku malu naa...>kak yosua segitu dendamnya kaa ma aku >kak yosua Nabhila,tiara, n eric are better than me!!! kakak blum liat performance ku sii kemaren ma bu haryati (sooo lame...) >kak yosua kak, aku gak bs menjawab POI dgn baek >kak yosua jd... i'm not good enough!!! bneraaan!!! >kak yosua sorry numpang testi, soalnya kak yosua... ya begitulaaaaah... >kak chris
Yosua Chukx :
@Safira Shut up.... I'll be glad to take on anyone, just let them suit themselves, for they are yet to face total humiliation...... My vote goes to the second graders though, And YES, I wouldn't mind holding back just so the 2nd graders can win and look good in front of steven and team...... The last thing they need right now is "moral degradation" from pro-debaters..... That's where we, debaters, fall... We can only criticize, point at wrong points, critcize, while managing to keep our hands off of everything...... with little or no real intention to actually "walk the talk"... THW Forgive and Forget....kiss my AsZ !! You people can't even watch juniors debating without hurting their feelings..... Egoistic-choir going-batak-guitar playing-best speaker jerk !!
Tir :
my nervousness was too big and i can't handle it . it's bigger than my usual nervousness :( sheesh idk how could it be. yeah i think i need more practice and it can't be good in just 5 dayss. thank anyway for giving me chance :)) SAV? steven and who else?
Yosua Chukx :
@Tiara...... you look dumb in the picture.. change it...
Before I say anything offensive, let's just hope Ms. Haryati & Family know nothing about using Friendster. Cause, she may be offended by the following. I agree, Chris. The whole 5-days-Pretty Good to 2-years-Just Good thing isn't really a fair comparison. Just because the XIs are just "a bit better" then the Xs that are showing fast progress, it doesn't mean the Xs will catch up to XIs level anytime soon....not at all... It may seem stupid, but it does take a year or so to get "a bit better". Besides, Eric looks like he wants to kill those X graders... which fairly good. Danish and Gulfani on the other hand, are pretty silent, but they obviously want to compete in ISDC, just look at Gulfani, he looks like a male genitalia that's about to burst sperm loads Trap POIs rule, those are my signature. And Mrs. Haryati has to REALLY see why the XIs are actually the ones fit fo
C for Chris :
Astaga... profile gw mendadak rame gini because of SSDC... hahaha... Like Yos, I'll also give you guys a few things you might find useful. For both sides... so it's fair enough- just to make sure that the debate on Monday won't be a bad one. Basically yang mendukung maternity leaves akan muter di masalah practical basis of the motion... so keep that in mind. Just try to be 'real' and find as many practicalities as possible regarding the motion. The other side, you'll be fighting for the philosophical basis- that means it's time to be idealistic, perfectionist, and, you know lah... things like that. Dig up theories to succeed. And also... Thanks for everything that you've done to reach this point, especially debaters: -The super-rookies: Sarah, Anita, Vanessa, Edo, Safira, Imanuel, Hafif, Mirza, and all the X graders who helped during the selection... -The amazing seniors: Eric, Dhanis, Gulfani, Tiara , Nabhila, and Yohan. Special thanks to the seniors who have spent their time with us: Mbak Nanda and Mbak Mitha, and last-but-not-least K Steven. GOOD LUCK- Chris in Reborn
untuk lebih jelas...
lihatlah masa masa alay saya...
aku aja baru dapet link friendster ini dari kak chris. sumpah mau bunuh diri ngingat ini hahaha
you see.. i was an alay back then.. hahahahhaa
but after the utopian debate.. i was never called again. and i found that they found another great debaters for ISDC 2008. they are sarah, kak eric, and anita.
aku pernah liat sekali sarah debat, buset... tuu anak mengerikan debatnya.. sangar banget lah!
dan aku kembali ke kancah speech syalalalala...
waktu kian berlalu dan aku mendengar kabar bahwa sarah lah satu satu nya yang lolos ISDC provincial selection. no wonder lah. tapi ternyata kak eric dan anita harusnya jg lolos. cuman karna.. you know lah.. something suspicious happened during the selection.
dan aku denger sarah frustasi abis karna kak eric ama anita ga lolos, dan dia harus dipasangkan dengan other teammates yang bener bener unexpectable.. dua teammates sarah bwat tinkat nasional sama sekali ga bisa debat. their english were not that fluent.. sarah ampe frustasi depresi stres apapun lah itu di pasangkan dengan mereka. ampe mo ngundurin diri dari ISDC! cuman setelah dibujuk bujuk akhirnya sarah mau ikut.
di tingkat nasional, sarah bener bener jadi anchor tim kaltim. klo dia kebagian positive team dia jadi 2nd speaker, tapi ngerjaen tugas tugas nya 1st ama 3rd. dia nulisin semua case ama rebuttals, teammates nya tinggal baca aja. ngeri kan sarah itu? bayangkan dia bisa ngerangkap 3 speakers sekaligus!!!!!! kalo negative, dia jadi 1st, membangun case yang kokoh agar mempermudah 2 teammates nya. denger perjuangan sarah gitu.. aku mikir.. shes the greatest debater ever!!!
she managed kaltim into top 16, but kaltim lost in octofinals. dan paling hebatnya, dia masuk dalam kategori 24 best speaker!! dengan rank 9!!! busetttttt....
dari 24 best speaker di saring lagi mencari 9 best speaker. saat selection 9 best, sarah peringkat 10!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAH TIPIS BANGET. bayangkan dong.. temen ku jadi pembicara nasional terbaik!!! dan saat itu dia masih kelas 1 aksel. ISDC kebanyakan diikuti oleh anak anak kelas 2 yang setidaknya punya pengalaman debat selama kelas 1. ISDC ini debut nya sarah, but she could make it sampai sejauh itu! gila tu anak.
setelah itu aku ga pernah denger kabar tentang debat lagi di smansa.
dan satu hari, aku elza danar jessica wilbert ben hansen dipanggil bwat ikut seleksi debat.
aku sempet nolak. karna i love peace hahaha. tapi karna anak anak lin antusias, ya deh ikut ikut aja deh aku. trus katanya yang pergi lomba bakal full all 1st graders. yah aku senang senang aja soalnya sama sama beginners kan hihihi
waktu seleksi aku selalu setim brg ben. aku jadi 1st, ben jadi 2nd. 3rd nya terserah hahaha ganti ganti mulu. wah aku seneng sekelompok ama ben. pintar orangnya. trus kalo ngomong bahasa inggris logat singapore. sering dibantu bikin poin poin gitu ama dia.
tapi kadang poinnya itu looooh farfetch abis... kalo ga salah ada motion THW curb STD using condom.
intinya bagaimana kita mengatasi penyakit menular seks menggunakan kondom.
nah aku ama ben ini kebagian negative. trus kami kan bingung.. we know that condom is the most effective (well.. assumption sih) and the most simple for people who want to have a sex but still preventing STD.. are you going to told people not to have sex because of STD? naaah they wont listen, they need sex anyway.
karna kami bener bener buntu, ben mengusulkan bawa poin... vaksetomi. watdefak gitu loh. akhirnya karna kami emang ga ada poin, kami bawa lah poin nista dan tidak berbobot itu.
*ngomong ngomong vaksetomi bisa mencegah STD? bukannya.. ga bisa ya? kan itu yg di dlm nya yang dipelintir, STD tetap bisa masuk? hahahha who cares
karna aku 1st, aku cuma build the general things, while ben the 2nd speaker brought the point of vaksetomi HAHAHAHA sumpah kacau tuh debat. lalu kami dihina hina abis abisan gara gara poin sampah itu
setelah beberapa hari debat (dan bolos pelajaran tentunya hihihi).. guru kami mengumumkan bahwa yang ikut lomba adalah aku dan elza. jdeeeerrr kok cuma dua... aku ama elza langsung protes abis abisan. kok cuma dua? artinya kita bakal di gabung ama senior dong? deg deg deg sudah takut ini..
dan kami menemukan ternyata ada dua tim yang mewakili sarah.
tim A : kak yosua & kak chris
tim B : sarah & kak eric
hiks.. dan ternyata begini lah komposisi tim yang telah disusun
tim A
kak yosua
kak chris
tim B
kak eric
ancrit.. aku ama elza kepisah lagi... kak eric sempet protes karna rencananya dia mau tim nya bareng sarah dan kak chris. artinya aku bareng elza dong? yeaaay.. tapi brg kak yosua juga -.-
tapi dengan alasan keseimbangan tim, jadilah aku dan elza dipecah :'(
sarah yang paling cool ga banyak cincong. dia mau menerima aku apa adanya hiks....
kak eric bacot! hahaha tapi dia banyak bantu aku. dia ngajarin aku basic nya debat hiks.. makasih kak.
karna kak eric 1st, sarah 2nd, hanya posisi 3rd speaker lah yang kosong. dancok. 3rd speaker (denger denger) pekerjaan paling utama adalah REBUT. buset mana bisa aku begitu :(
dan 3rd speaker maju paling spontan. case building apa coba? harus nge respond case lawan kan? emooooooooooooh......
tapi kalo aku jadi 1st atau 2nd, bakal ngancurin posisi nya kak eric ama sarah. jadinya aku belajar deh jadi 3rd... bener bener parah lah..
nah di sini kak eric ama sarah banyak bantu aku banget. yang bener bener buta debat, diajarin gimana debat itu.. sarah ngebagi pengalaman waktu di isdc, kak eric dengan getol nyuruh aku latian rebuttal (padahal akhir akhirnya dia yang bikinin bwat aku hahahahha)
tapi aku ga sempet sparring se tim ama kak erik n sarah, jadi kami langsung gentak lomba (??)
begitupula dengan kak yosua-elza-kak chris. kami 2 tim ini langsung gentak lomba ga pake sparring dulu.
kira kira itu pengalaman debat untuk pertama kali, agak aneh -.-
tapi im very thankful to ALL my seniors who taught me a lot of things!!! miss you guys like hell!! i wish we could debate as one team again!!!
terutama bwat kak eric ama saraaaaah... ya ampun mereka sabar banget ngeladenin aku yang lola lolo sendiri.. hiks... thanks a lot guys!!! kalian teammates yang tidak tergantikan!!!! love you guys a lot! :*
Sunday, May 23, 2010
i start to love debating
Posted in debate |
10:38 AM | by safira
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kyaaaaa ada commentku ahahahha itu di testi apa gimana sih?
iya tir itu testi di friendster waktu jaman jaman aku baru debat anjooooy alay abis deh aku. malu hahahahhaha
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